Ed Benjamin

LEVA Founder and Chairman Linkedin

An authority on light electric vehicle products and business since 1996. The 7 person team contains expertise in LEV engineering, product and technology development, sourcing, distribution and marketing of electric powered two wheel vehicles. Most of the team are bilingual, with extensive experience in cross cultural business, and networking across the global industry. The primary product of eCE is saved time in product development, business planning, and worldwide sourcing – resulting in substantial savings in money and effort. Consultant to electric vehicle builders, motor companies, battery companies, motor controller companies, importers and distributors of small electric vehicles. Services are performed on a fee for service, project basis. His previous senior management employment was with American Electric Cycle and Fitness, WaveCrest Labs and EV Rider and 39 years experience in the USA bicycle industry. Mr. Benjamin has a 1981 B.A. Education, University of Kentucky, USA, and speaks Mandarin level 3.

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