Why Tech Training? Danger and opportunity
Published on 26/01/2023
From an old bike mechanic…speaking to bike mechanics who are dealing with e-bikes, perhaps reluctantly. I started assembling Vista bikes at a tiny store in Jeffersontown Kentucky in 1969. That leads to the next paragraph… I have loved my life and occupation. I hope you all do as well. I hope that it is a […]
ASI + Taito
Published on 24/02/2022
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2022-BELGIAN START-UP TAITO MOBILITY AND VETERAN ACCELERATED SYSTEMS INC. (ASI) PARTNER TO BRING A SAFER AND SMOOTHER ESCOOTER TO THE MARKET. The TAITO, built in Belgium, is a premium eScooter with its unique modular design and patented suspension system. Research shows that current eScooter riders experience safety issues when navigating city traffic. […]
What is needed to import ebikes to USA?
Published on 20/01/2022
By Ed Benjamin ed@ecycleelectric.com The basic answer is that you should build to satisfy the federal requirements for bicycles and electric bicycles as described by the CPSC. If your result is a class one or class two bike, then you have a few issues across the states. But if you are building a class three bike, […]
E-bikes get up to speed in popularity, providing a workout easier on the heart
Published on 29/09/2021
From: The Washington Post | September 24th 2021 Two attendees test ride an electric motor bike during the Electrify Expo in Irvine, Calif., on Sept. 18. (Jill Connelly/Bloomberg News) After mechanical engineer Ron Wensel suffered a heart attack, he knew his lifestyle needed to change. Wanting to find a way to stay active without overexerting […]
Are Electric Bikes Greener Than Pedal Bikes?
Published on 02/09/2021
Edward BenjaminSenior Managing Director, eCycleElectric ConsultantsChairman, Light Electric Vehicle Association Intuitively, we would all agree that a human powered bike is more environmentally friendly than an electric bike. And just asking this question tends to upset the human powered bike people.But it may not be true.Here are the elements of carbon production / environmental pollution […]
9 facts about refurbishing e-bike batteries
Published on 18/08/2021
TILBURG, The Netherlands – What should you pay attention to when you have an e-bike battery refurbished? How do you know if a battery refurbishment is carried out properly? Specialist Hannes de Jong offers his insights with a tour through the world of battery refurbishment. “Refurbishing e-bike batteries is a wise choice, but there are […]
Changes in USA Ebike Market 2021
Published on 07/07/2021
Article: Changes in USA Ebike Market 2021July 5, 2021 Edward BenjaminChairman, Light Electric Vehicle AssociationSenior Managing Director, eCycleElectric Consultants Changes Creating a Booming Ebike Market! America tends to make changes slowly until a tipping point is reached. And then change can be startlingly fast. That tipping point has occurred with electric bikes in the last two years. We […]
Enabling Technologies and Future Technologies
Published on 02/06/2021
Enabling Technologies and Future Technologies Edward BenjaminLight Electric Vehicles AssociationTuesday, June 1, 2021 Technologies that had to become affordable before we could have electric bikes: For most of the approximately 300 million users of electric bikes around the world, an electric bike is a transportation tool. Transportation tools must be reliable, economical, attractive in appearance, easy to use, […]
Ecells introduced the first Dual motor, Dual battery, Dual suspension E-Bike in the US
Published on 10/05/2021
E-Cells is seeking to offer this exciting new company in its third year to eager investors. It was Ecells that introduced the first Dual motor, Dual battery, Dual suspension E-Bike in the US and now enjoys being the leader in the AWD marketplace with its E-Cells Super Monarch AWD E-Bikes. Today more than 50% of […]
Ebike Battery Safety and Fires
Published on 10/05/2021
Edward BenjaminChairman, Light Electric Vehicle AssociationSaturday, May 8, 2021 I have an electric bike in my garage. The battery on that bike contains enough energy to propel my 100 Kilo self, plus the relatively heavy Pedego Stretch Cargo Bike, and whatever cargo I am hauling (often more than 50 kilos of SCUBA gear) at 20 […]